PyWaw Summit 2015 Talks

eGenix Talks & Videos: Python Keynote and Application Design Talk

We have published the two talks "Python Community - Present, Past and Future" and "Designing Large Scale Applications in Python", held at the PyWaw Summit 2015 in Warsaw, Poland.

PyWaw Summit 2015 in Warsaw, Poland

Marc-André Lemburg, Python Core Developer and Senior Software Architect, was invited to give a keynote and a technical talk at the first PyWaw Summit 2015 in Warsaw, Poland.

The event was a big success, thanks to great organization of the PyWaw team, and we can only recommend anyone looking for two very intense days of talks to consider attending next year's summit.

We have now turned the talks into a video presentations for easy viewing and also released the presentation slides.

Keynote: Python Community - Present, Past and Future

This keynote was held at the first PyWaw Summit 2015 in Warsaw, Poland, giving a personal view of what makes the Python community so special.

Click to proceed to the talk video and slides ...

In this keynote, I take the audience on a tour through the development of the Python community. Starting 20 years ago with how I entered Python, looking at important milestones, showing current developments and giving an outlook of where we might be heading in the next few years.

Hope you'll enjoy the ride.

-- Marc-André Lemburg

Designing Large Scale Applications in Python

This talk was given at the first PyWaw Summit 2015 in Warsaw, Poland, demonstrating a guided and structured approach to Python application design.

Click to proceed to the talk video and slides ...

Python is often referred to as a scripting language. While Python is an ideal platform for scripting, integration or plugin tasks, it does in fact cover all the concepts needed for truly large-scale object oriented application development. However, complex applications bring new challenges.

The talk draws on my experience with large-scale application design using Python as central implementation language and provides a cookbook approach to many of the problems you face when designing and organizing complex application frameworks.

The approach has been used in many real-life projects, ranging from web application servers in varying fields of application to complete finance trading systems. Python has always proven to be a truly good choice with an outstanding time-to-market advantage over other implementation languages such as Java or C++. It allows small software development companies to successfully compete against multi-million dollar ventures.

-- Marc-André Lemburg

Related Python Coaching and Consulting

If you are interested in learning more about these advanced techniques, eGenix now offers Python project coaching and consulting services to give your project teams advice on how to design Python applications, successfully run projects, or find excellent Python programmers. Please contact our eGenix Sales Team for information.

More interesting eGenix presentations are available in the presentations and talks community section of our website.

Enjoy !

Charlie Clark, Sales & Marketing

Published: 2015-06-19