Wish list (was Re: [egenix-users] Invalid cursor state)

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Tue Jul 14 20:24:02 CEST 2009

Am 14.07.2009, 19:06 Uhr, schrieb Dan Fairs <dan.fairs at gmail.com>:

> Ah, now that *would* be interesting. The client's currently on Zope  
> 2.10.4, though I'd like to move to the 2.12. We did have problems with a  
> 2.11 ZEO client talking to a 2.10 ZEO server, though; upgrading the ZEO  
> server, is more major since so many things here use it. A release that  
> works with 2.10 would certainly be more palatable.

I think we're likely to release for >= 2.12 (at least as far as the  
packaging goes) Unfortunately there are other problems related to some of  
the global variables.

> If we're in wish-list mode, a Zope 3 implementation would be handy as  
> well. All the new code we're developing is Zope 3-style (using browser  
> views and the component architecture), and digging around in the ZODB to  
> pull out a ZSQL method hooked up to an mxODBCZopeDA instance living in  
> content space simply isn't very nice. I'd like to be able to register a  
> database connection as a named utility (configured through ZCML or  
> optionally as a persistent item in the ZODB), and just pass it SQL to  
> execute.

You have my sympathies although after the initial shock I found the  
migration not to be that difficuilt! Moving to file-system based ZSQLs  
should make life a bit easier (if only Mr. Withers had stuck with the same  
handling of parameters that the other file system products have...). Of  
course, the mxODBCZopeDA has the advantage of allowing you to use execute  
on connection instance objects. A Zope 3 release itself isn't on the cards  
as Zope 3 itself no longer exists. There are recipes for using mxODBC and  
mxODBC Connect with Zope 3 on non-windows systems.

Charlie Clark

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