[egenix-users] Unicode problems with mxODBCZopeDA-1.0.10

eGenix Support: Charlie Clark support at egenix.com
Fri Nov 30 12:27:36 CET 2007

Am 29.11.2007, 16:43 Uhr, schrieb Jose Rivera Merla  
<jriveramerla at gmail.com>:

> *I solved the problem of display data with the following scheme:*
> DB Connection -> ZSQL Method -> Python Script -> Page Template
> In the Page Template I display data that comes from the python script.
> Inside the python script I used the decode('latin-1') for the varchar
> fields.
> *I now have the same problem but in reverse order, in a capture to change
> information the UPDATE command insert extrange characters instead of
> á,é,i,ó, or ú.
> request.NombreDeCampo.encode('latin-1') does not work

This won't work directly in an SQL method because these only accept  
operations on DTML variables I think the syntax is something like
<dtml-var NombreDeCampo.encode('latin-1')> but it could be more exotic.  
Anyway this would leave you wide open to SQL injection.

Much better to pass the form into a script, do your encoding and call the  
SQL method from the script passing the variables via <dtml-sqlvar>.  
Alternatively with mxODBC you can pass everything to an ExternalMethod  
where you won't need to worry about encoding.
> What do I need to do in this case?

> I find this annoying, I hope this get solved soon in the next releases of
> zope used by plone.

Highly unlikely I think. But the next release of the mxODBC Zope DA will  
allow you set encoding and charsets directly on Zope DA connections.

Charlie Clark

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