[egenix-users] mxODBC Zope DA and Linux Zope -- Connections not being disconnected

David Krosel david.krosel at maxxian.com
Tue Mar 13 08:24:24 CET 2007


The problem happened again... I didn't change the configuration yet since it 
was a production system.

However, from Zope, the following "Connection Pool" information showed up:

Pool size: 21
Physical connections: 0 open
Total mxODBC connnections: (24,0)

Does this make since? 24 connections but pool of 21 ?


VP, Development and Operations
Maxxian Integration Inc.
155 Westhampton Drive
Thornhill, Ontario
Canada L4J 7X2
E-mail: david.krosel at maxxian.com
Phone: +1 647 477 2150
Cell: +1 905 598 6548
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charlie Clark" <charlie at egenix.com>
To: "David Krosel" <david.krosel at maxxian.com>; <egenix-users at egenix.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [egenix-users] mxODBC Zope DA and Linux Zope -- Connections not 
being disconnected

> Am 06.03.2007, 16:22 Uhr, schrieb David Krosel <david.krosel at maxxian.com>:
>> Hello,
>>  21? I thought I would try for a high and safe number  When the problem 
>> occurs again, I will provide a snap-shot, but I couldn't find any errors 
>> in the Zope log.
> You should also check the unixODBC and MySQL logs.
>>  Under the Zope mxODBC configuration screen, there is a note that "Under 
>> heavy load, closing the connection may not result in the physical 
>> connections to get freed. This is due to the multi-threaded nature of 
>> Zope."
>>  Can this be related to my problem, even without the load?
> No but if you are in fact not running under heavy load there is probably 
> not a need for a lot of threads. Please try running Zope and mxODBC with 
> default values as this may help identify the problem.
> Charlie 

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