[egenix-users] Zope shutdown after "Could not rollback the transaction" error

Nico Grubert nicogrubert at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 16:02:05 CET 2007

Dear list members,

 From time to time I get this error:

eGenix mxODBC Zope DA: WARNING: 
<Products.mxODBCZopeDA.ZopeDA.DatabaseConnection "DSN=myTestDB" thread 
1082132800/1082132800 at 0x2aaaac7a4a70> could not rollback the 
transaction - the data source does not support transactions; this may 
result in data inconsistencies !

A few seconds later, after I got this error, Zope shuts down automatically.
I see this error in the shell if I have started my Zope using:

Is there a way to see a more detailed error message?

The error results from calling a Zope "ZSQL method" that just makes a 
simple "SELECT .." SQL query so I am wondering why mxODBCZopeDA wants to 
make a rollback.

My setup:
  + 64-Bit Suse Linux 10.1 Professional
  + mxODBCZopeDA 1.0.10
  + Zope 2.9.6.
  + Python 2.4.3.
  + ODBC Source: Filemaker 8 Advanced Server on a Windows2003 Server
  + Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge which connects my Linux machine to the
    Windows2003 Server


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