[egenix-users] mxODBC Cursor Unicode issue with method executedirect().

Cliff Xuan Cliff.Xuan at artsalliancemedia.com
Tue Aug 7 17:16:02 CEST 2007

The query itself is fine as it works in MS SQL Query Browser.
I found it might be a Microsoft problem
Weird though as it's a problem in SQL Server 2000, but my db is 2005.
Never mind. 
You mentioned that I shouldn't need to use executedirect() with MS SQL.
What's the reason behind that? Is it to do with the Python type binding?

Many Thanks
Cliff Xuan 

Arts Alliance Media Ltd
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-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Clark [mailto:charlie at egenix.com] 
Sent: 07 August 2007 15:50
To: Cliff Xuan; egenix-users at egenix.com
Subject: Re: [egenix-users] mxODBC Cursor Unicode issue with method

Am 07.08.2007, 16:37 Uhr, schrieb Cliff Xuan  
<Cliff.Xuan at artsalliancemedia.com>:

> selectsql2= """
>                 select id
>                 from vwUserWide
>                 where
>                 caller_language_id in ('none','en') and (
>                 username like ('%' + ? + '%')
>                 or (coalesce(firstname+' ','')+coalesce(lastname,''))
> like ('%' + ? + '%')
>                 or email like ('%' + ? + '%')
>                 or venue_longname like ('%' + ? + '%')
>                 or venue_shortname like ('%' + ? + '%') )
>             """
> cur.execute(selectsql2,  [(u'\xe5', u'\xe5', u'\xe5',
> u'\xe5',u'\xe5',)])
> cur.executedirect(selectsql2,  [(u'\xe5', u'\xe5', u'\xe5',
> u'\xe5',u'\xe5',)])
> This time executedirect() returns nothing as before. Execute() doesn't
> work any more, the error message reads "Unable to derive parameter
> information when parameter marker is a function argument".

This is a bit of a convoluted query but it looks like there is a problem

with the ('%' + ? + '%') syntax. Can you rewrite that using strings?
'%?%' and this should get recognised as a string for quoting purposes.

Charlie Clark

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