[egenix-users] ANN: eGenix mx Base and Commercial Distribution 3.0 Release Candidate 2

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Apr 27 19:28:48 CEST 2007


just to keep you updated: we are still working on the release
and will also launch a new web-site right along with it.

Especially the new web-site is currently keeping us very busy and
is also taking longer than expected. OTOH, it will look a lot
nicer than the current one :-)

There won't be many changes between the release candidate and
the final version, with one exception: we've decided to
rename the "eGenix mx Commercial" distribution into "eGenix mxODBC"
distribution. Not much of a change, but hopefully makes things
a little more straight forward.

The links below are still valid and accessible, so please give the
release candidate a try.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Apr 27 2007)
>>> Python/Zope Consulting and Support ...        http://www.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC.Zope.Database.Adapter ...             http://zope.egenix.com/
>>> mxODBC, mxDateTime, mxTextTools ...        http://python.egenix.com/

:::: Try mxODBC.Zope.DA for Windows,Linux,Solaris,MacOSX for free ! ::::

   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
    D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
           Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611

On 2007-04-08 15:15, eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Hello,
> we're sorry for keeping you all waiting for so many months, but the 3.0
> release has been major piece of work and there have been a number of
> delays due to external factors and projects which caused us to slip
> the envisioned release date by two months.
> In order to not keep you waiting much longer, we've decided to wrap up
> our release candidate 2 of the eGenix mx Base and Commercial Distribution 3.0
> and give you a chance to evaluate the new and enhanced packages.
> The final GA release is expected to ship in the week of April 16.
> So, here goes...
> ________________________________________________________________________
> eGenix is pleased to announce the immediate availability of the
> release candidate 2 of our Python extensions distributions
> eGenix mx Base and eGenix mx Commercial 3.0.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> eGenix mx Base and Commercial Distributions are two sets of packages
> which help you with everyday programming tasks when working with Python.
> The mx Base distributions contains our open-source offerings:
>  * mxDateTime - date/time types, parsers, tools
>  * mxTextTools - fast text parsing
>  * mxTools - set of new built-ins
>  * mxURL - fast and easy-to-use URL data type
>  * mxUID - unique identifiers
>  * mxStack - fast stack data type with C interface
>  * mxQueue - fast queue data type with C interface
>  * mxProxy - access control and weak reference for Python objects
>  * mxBeeBase - on-disk B+Tree database kit
> The mx Commercial distribution comes with:
>  * mxODBC, our universal ODBC database interface for Python
> ________________________________________________________________________
> The 3.0 releases of the eGenix mx Base and mx Commercial distributions
> contain a huge number of enhancements, bug fixes and additions.
> Some highlights:
>  * mxTextTools now fully support Unicode, so you can parse Unicode
>    data just as fast as you can 8-bit string data.
>    The package also includes a tag table compiler and new jump
>    target support to simplify working with tag tables.
>  * mxDateTime has support for working with Python's datetime module
>    types, so you can use and combine both if necessary.
>    The parser was enhanced to support even more formats and make
>    it more reliable than ever before.
>  * mxURL and mxUID were previously released as part of our mx
>    Experimental distribution.
>    They have now been integrated into the base distribution, providing
>    easy-to-use data types for common tasks in web programming.
>  * mxODBC has received a large number of enhancements and supports
>    more ODBC drivers than ever.
>    We've worked a lot on the Unicode support and made it more robust,
>    especially on Unix platforms where the ODBC Unicode support has
>    stabilized over the last few years. You can now issue commands
>    using Unicode and exchange Unicode data with the database in
>    various configurable ways.
>    We've also added a few more methods to give you more control of
>    the connections and cursors as well as the .callproc() method
>    that mxODBC 2.0 was missing.
>    Multiple result sets via the .nextset() are also supported, so
>    working with stored procedures should be a lot easier now.
>    Another highlight is the added support for Python's datetime
>    module types and the option to use strings for date/time
>    processing (e.g. to be able to use timezones in timestamps
>    if that's supported by the database).
>    And finally, mxODBC received full 64-bit support, so that you
>    can run mxODBC (and all other mx Extensions) on e.g. AMD64
>    platforms.
>  * We've switched from the old distutils wininst installer to the
>    new MSI installer for the Windows build. This gives you a lot
>    more options for automatic installs, including unattended
>    installs. See http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/msi/
>    for details.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Please note that the 2.0 series of the eGenix mx Base and Commercial
> Distribution do not support Python 2.5 on 64-bit platforms.
> You are encouraged to upgrade to the new 3.0 series, if you plan to
> deploy on 64-bit platforms and use Python 2.5 as basis for your
> applications.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> This release brings you all the new features and enhancements that
> were previously only available in our mxODBC Zope Database Adapter.
> Like the Zope product, mxODBC now requires that you install a license
> in order to use it.
> You can request 30-day evaluation licenses by writing to sales at egenix.com,
> stating your name (or the name of the company) and the number of eval
> licenses that you need. We will then issue you licenses and send
> them to you by email. Please make sure that you can receive ZIP
> file attachements on the email you specify in the request, since the
> license files are send out as ZIP attachements.
> The eGenix mx Base distribution does not require installation of
> licenses, so you can use straight away.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> eGenix mx Base Distribution:
>  * Windows Installer for Python 2.5:
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-base-3.0.0_rc2.win32-py2.5.msi
>    To install, download and then run the installer file.
>  * Linux 32-bit Pre-Built Binary for Python 2.5 UCS4:
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-base-3.0.0_rc2.linux-i686-py2.5_ucs4.prebuilt.zip
>    To install, run "python setup.py build --skip install".
>  * Linux 64-bit Pre-Built Binary for Python 2.5 UCS4:
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-base-3.0.0_rc2.linux-x86_64-py2.5_ucs4.prebuilt.zip
>    To install, run "python setup.py build --skip install".
>  * Source (all other platforms and Python versions):
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-base-3.0.0_rc2.zip
>    To install, run "python setup.py install".
> eGenix mx Commercial Distribution:
>  * Windows Installer for Python 2.5:
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-commercial-3.0.0_rc2.win32-py2.5.msi
>    To install, download and then run the installer file.
>  * Linux 32-bit Pre-Built Binary for Python 2.5 UCS4:
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-commercial-3.0.0_rc2.linux-i686-py2.5_ucs4.prebuilt.zip
>    To install, run "python setup.py build --skip install".
>  * Linux 64-bit Pre-Built Binary for Python 2.5 UCS4:
>    http://downloads.egenix.com/python/egenix-mx-commercial-3.0.0_rc2.linux-x86_64-py2.5_ucs4.prebuilt.zip
>    To install, run "python setup.py build --skip install".
> Note that in order to use the eGenix mx Commercial Distribution
> you need to install the eGenix mx Base Distribution first.
> Documentation is included in the mx/Doc/ directory of the installation
> in form of PDF files. This will also be posted on our web-site for
> easy access.
> The final release will include downloads for more platforms and combinations
> of Python version, Unicode version and 32-/64-bit versions.
> If you have special needs, please let us know. Write to support at egenix.com
> for information on whether we can support your particular platform. It's
> likely that we can, given the portability of our code.
> ________________________________________________________________________
> For more information on the eGenix mx Distributions, licensing
> and download instructions, please write to sales at egenix.com.
> If you experience problems with the release candidate, we'd appreciate
> a short description of the problem to support at egenix.com, so that
> we can fix the problem in the final release.
> Happy Easter,

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