[egenix-users] unixODBC Connect raises NotSupportedError [unixODBC]Option not supported

Frey, Peter Peter.Frey at haufe.de
Thu Jul 27 16:37:08 CEST 2006


I am evaluating mxODBC for a data transfer/transformation task from a
SQLServer 2005 database (running on a Windows2003 server) to a PosgreSQL
Server (under Debian linux)

The problem: when I try to connect to the SQL Server through mxODBC with
the following python statement, I get an mxODBC.NotSupportedError

When I execute the statement is

        Database = import_database('unixODBC')
        conn = Database.Connect('MSSQLDev0', user='sa', password='***')

I get the exception

        mxODBC.NotSupportedError: ('S1C00', 1, '[unixODBC]Option not
supported', 5921)

Note: import_database is:

    def import_database(pkgname):
            Database = __import__('mx.ODBC.%s' % pkgname, locals(),
globals(), '*')
        except ImportError,why:
            raise RuntimeError, 'Import of mx.ODBC.%s failed: %s' %
        return Database

(similar to what I saw in site-packages/mx/ODBC/Misc/test.py)

The same error message is also returned when running

    python /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/ODBC/Misc/test.py
    Subpackage Name [MySQL]: unixODBC
    DriverConnect arguments [DSN=mysql;UID=root;PWD=mysql-admin]:
    (remaining options left default)
    Testing package mx.ODBC.unixODBC version: 2.0.5
            compiled with Unicode support
            using Python version: 2.4
    Test suite:
     Connecting to the database.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/ODBC/Misc/test.py", line
2346, in ?
        rc = main(packagename)
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mx/ODBC/Misc/test.py", line
2278, in main
        connection = apply(connectapi,connectargs)
    mxODBC.NotSupportedError: ('S1C00', 1, '[unixODBC]Option not
supported', 5921)

I tested also connecting to a local PostgreSQL server and it works as
The problem must be on the mxODBC side, as both tsql and isql from
FreeTDS work without problems with the same datasource.

I checked also the ODBC troubleshooting section in the FreeTDS
documentation, but

    isql -v MSSQLDev0 sa ***

Works without any problem, I can connect to the SQLServer and issue
SELECT statemens without problems.

My .odbc.ini contains the following datasource definition for MSSQLDev0:

    Description = ARSystem database under Microsoft SQLServer 2005 on
    Driver      = FreeTDS
    Server      = vg100hrsdev0
    Database    = ARSystem
    Port        = 1433
    Database    = ARSystem

Using ODBC driver FreeTDS as set up by unixODBC in /etc/odbcinst.ini:

    Description     = TDS driver (Sybase/MS SQL)
    Driver          = /usr/lib/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
    Setup           = /usr/lib/odbc/libtdsS.so
    CPTimeout       =
    CPReuse         =
    FileUsage       = 1

I first had this problem using FreeTDS from the Debian (stable) package
freetds-dev 0.61-6.2.
I deinstalled it and compiled freetds 0.64 from source, but this did not
solve my problem, still same error message.

So, which Option is not supported by mxODBC or the FreeTDS ODBC driver?


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