[egenix-users] problem compiling mx-base package:

Morten Nilsen morten at nilsen.com
Sun Nov 27 18:18:34 CET 2005

M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Morten Nilsen wrote:
>>like I wrote in the first mail, what causes this - and - how can I
>>resolve the issue?
> No idea. Try removing pytag.py.

not really sure how I can do that.. it's installed by setup.py install, 
which is the same command that fails..

after running these two commands before install;
rm ./mx/TextTools/Examples/pytag.py
rm ./build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/mx/TextTools/Examples/pytag.py

the install succeeds, and I'm now able to package mx-base, thanks :)


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