[egenix-users] mxODBCZopeDA - connection on demand

Paweł Lewicki lewicki at provider.pl
Fri Jan 14 12:02:42 CET 2005

I have a problem with a connection on-demand I'm trying to establish. Is it
possible to "automagically" free the connection after the query?

I connect using that script:

            dbDA = getattr(self, 'myConnection')         #mxODBCZopeDA
            dbConnection = dbDA.get_connection()

An adapter is configured as 'on demand'. I tried to call manually
.lazy_connect() and get working connection in different ways.

The problem is that the connection stays open after the query. If I manually
close it I have a problem with concurrent queries.

I haven't done any long term tests so I don't know if the connecton is freed
eventually. Is it configurable anywhere?

Pawel Lewicki
AP sp. z o.o.

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