[egenix-users] mxODBC - How do I "set schema"?

Bob Gibson bgibson at us.ibm.com
Tue Feb 1 14:16:49 CET 2005

Bob Gibson wrote:
> Database:
>  Cloudscape: << URL removed >>
>  Derby     : http://incubator.apache.org/derby
> ODBC Driver:
>  DB2 ODBC Driver: << URL removed >>

Interesting, so Derby (Cloudscape) and DB2 talk the same wire
protocol ?

Perhaps you could ask the developers whether the missing
rowcount information is per design or simply a bug in the
ODBC driver ?!

Such information is usually rather important to have, esp.
in cases where you want to page through large data sets.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

  Well, I can certainly try.  Here is some articles from developerWorks

Title: Cloudscape and ODBC

Title: ODBC programming using Apache Derby

Thanks, yet again
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