[egenix-users] mxExperimental on cygwin

Mark McEahern mark at mceahern.com
Tue Sep 24 09:11:00 CEST 2002

[M.-A. Lemburg]
> First: are you using the beta1 of egenix-mx-experimental ?
> If not, please try that version first. setup.py should look in
> /usr/local/lib per default, so no special options are needed.
> Makes me think: I should probably ship a new beta of that
> package...

I'm sorry, I should have specified what version I was using in my original
email.  I'm using this version:


Is that what you're referring to as beta1?  I assume you saw the patch I
posted to mxEXPERIMENTAL.py where the distutils package is defined.  I was
able to install it successfully on cygwin simply by explicitly specifying
the library:


Of course, I'm not a master at using either gcc or distutils, so there may
be an obvious reason why my patch is braindead.

I really appreciate this package.  In particular I'm using mxTidy and it
works dandy.  Thanks!


// mark


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