[egenix-users] Re: help mx install

M.-A. Lemburg mal at lemburg.com
Tue Oct 22 11:25:16 CEST 2002

[CCing to egenix-users, because this may be useful for others as well]

direction landsnet wrote:
> Hi Marc-Andre,
> I want to install your *eGenix.com mx BASE Package* 
> <http://www.egenix.com/files/python/eGenix-mx-Extensions.html#mxBASE>, 
> because I use CalendarTag2.0alpha2 et mxDateTime-0.3.0. I must work on 
> Windoxs 98...
> You wrote:
> On *Windows platforms* the preferred method for installation is using 
> the the Windows installer, since this doesn't require a C compiler to be 
> installed on the system. Thanks to Thomas Heller the installer also 
> support uninstall using the standard Windows uninstall procedure.
> But when I launch egenix-mx-base-2.0.4.win32-py2.1.exe, I have an error 
> message:
> "Python 2.1 version required, which was not found in the registry".
> I have python.exe and python21.dll in C:\Program Files\ZOPE2.5.1CPS\bin.
> What is the problem? A PATH problem? Where I can modify the PATH variable?
> Thank you in advance for your response.

No, the problem is that the Python installation in Zope does
not put itself in the Windows registry. To install the base
package, simply open the installer .exe in WinZIP (yes, this
works :-) and extract the files to <zopedir>/lib/python/.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
CEO eGenix.com Software GmbH
eGenix.com -- Makers of the Python mx Extensions: mxDateTime,mxODBC,...
Python Consulting:                               http://www.egenix.com/
Python Software:                    http://www.egenix.com/files/python/

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